
How As-Builts Compare to Record Drawings & Measured Drawings

Mei 16, 2022

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For any major construction project, you need to have in-depth plans and drawings to complete a building project as an architect intended. However, in the process of constructing a building, parts of a plan end up eliminated for the sake of time, budget, or necessity.

In these instances, new plans are often necessary to reflect these changes, and these types of plan drawings often fall into one of three categories: as-built, record, and measured drawings. Knowing how as-builts compare to record drawings and measured drawings will help ensure your building has the essential architectural paperwork.

What Are As-Built Drawings?

When a building is under construction, engineers and other contractors working on the property need to have a clear sense of where everything is. Because things often end up different from the original plans, contractors will often walk through a building and make a new drawing to show to reflect its layout accurately. This is an as-built drawing.

What Are Record Drawings?

The building’s architect creates record drawings instead of the contractors working on the building. These drawings typically fall under two categories:

  • As-designed record drawings: These reflect the architect’s original plan that informed the construction process.
  • As-constructed record drawings: These reflect the final design of the building based on how workers ultimately built it.

An architect will often consult a contractor’s as-built drawing to create the as-constructed drawing. The difference is that the architect is the one creating the drawing.

What Are Measured Drawings?

A property owner will arrange for a measured drawing when they want to complete renovation work on an already standing building. As the name suggests, these drawings usually focus on taking measurements on parts of a building, such as wall length and the distance between doors and windows. They’re usually much simpler than as-built drawings.

Why Are They Important?

Although all three types of drawings are different, they’re equally important for architects, contractors, and property owners alike.

Knowing exactly where building elements are in a building will allow contractors to know how to install things safely in the building, such as electric wiring or additions to its structure. It also may alert the architect and property owner of any potential issues, including disruptions in airflow from one area of the building to another or fire safety hazards.

Still confused about the differences between as-built, record, and measured drawings? Allow Dreiym Engineering to sort through the paperwork. If you hire our as-built drawing services, we’ll do a walkthrough and create an as-built drawing to help inform your future decisions.

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