
The Importance of Pipeline Integrity Management

מאי 4, 2020

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People take modern conveniences for granted, such as gas stations making gas readily available. Few take the time to think about the complex distribution network this kind of material takes to get from its mining point to the gas pump. Pipelines are used to get liquids, such as gas, from point A to point B. Pipelines are a safe and efficient way to transport large quantities of liquids over long distances, helping to cut down significantly on the need for transportation trucks on the road. Pipelines are safe and effective only if maintained properly as many fall victim to issues stemming from corrosion. Corrosion can lead to a pipeline deteriorating and can even cause holes to develop, rendering the pipeline useless. A pipeline must hold its integrity to continue to be a safe and effective method of transporting substances. Learn more about the importance of pipeline integrity management.

Why pipeline assessment matters

Obtaining a pipeline assessment is essential to understanding the health of a pipeline. Pipelines often stretch over large areas of land and can easily be exposed to corrosive elements within the soil that houses pipeline, along with other corrosive materials. Regularly assessing a pipeline is crucial to understanding its risk factors and weak spots, as well as identify any growing issues in its integrity.

The importance of integrity planning

Integrity planning is planning for the future of the pipeline. Creating a plan to keep a pipeline’s integrity and functionality is necessary to ensure its longevity. Maintaining the integrity of a pipeline by performing regular upkeep is much more cost-effective than neglecting it and needing to replace large sections of it all at once. Making a plan to keep a pipeline healthy and functional reduces costs and can extend its lifespan.

Why continued upkeep is essential

Simply making a plan will not make a difference in a pipeline. The integrity plan must be followed and upheld. Pipeline integrity management is essential to maintaining functionality. A pipeline should be inspected regularly and tested. It should have any problem areas fixed quickly to ensure they do not fester and turn into larger-scale issues.

All these elements of pipeline integrity management are essential to keeping pipelines healthy and working as designed. Contact Dreiym Engineering today for pipeline integrity consulting to start your pipeline off on the right track and keep it running safely and profitably.

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