
Deep Groundbed Systems: What They Are & Why They Matter

מאי 16, 2022

Reach out to Dreiym Engineering for any Corrosion, Electrical or Forensic Questions.

According to onestudy, the cost of corrosion to companies worldwide may be as high as 2.5 trillion dollars. This cost covers aspects such as replacement costs and damages to products and the environment caused by corroding pipes and other structures.

Because of that, companies across different sectors have long sought a way to prevent corrosion. While noncorrosive metals and corrosion-proof coatings continue to be a popular choice, another great option for underground metal is deep groundbed systems. What they are and why they matter is the subject we’re covering.

An Introduction to Cathodic Protection

To understand deep groundbed systems, it’s necessary to understand cathodic protection and how it can protect against corrosion. Cathodic protection involves applying a small electric current to a steel surface, turning that surface into a cathode or a negatively charged electrode.

The pipe is also attached to another metal surface called an anode, a positively charged surface. This system protects the cathode from erosion while most of the effects transfer to the anode.

What Is a Groundbed System?

In some circumstances, simply burying the anodes in the ground will not work. For instance, in areas where the soil of a system is not very conductive, it can impact the efficacy of a cathodic protection system. That’s why in some cases, companies will install a groundbed system instead.

A groundbed system places the anode and other important components in what is called a “deep well anode.” This well allows the anode to be placed deeper in the ground in a casing surrounded by a carbon backfill called a coke breeze.

Importance of a Deep Groundbed System

Cathodic protection systems stop corrosion before it starts, helping mitigate the costly effects. Metal piping equipped with these kinds of systems may last up to 20 years longer than pipes that are not. A deep groundbed system specifically allows companies to benefit from cathodic protection in a wider range of conditions.

Understanding what groundbed systems are and why they matter is the first step toward benefiting from them. The next is to contact the professionals at Dreiym Engineering. We can provide services likeelectrical load analysisand designs for groundbed systems to help protect your company’s infrastructure.

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